Meet Gabby Mallon: CEO Dun Laoghaire Chamber of Commerce


This week, we were lucky enough to interview Gabby Mallon, CEO of the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Chamber of Commerce on the year we’ve had and how to look ahead as an Irish business.

KOKORO: During such a complicated time, in what areas do you believe Irish businesses should be investing themselves?

This is a hard questions as most business owners understand their business inside out. Many have invested in new websites which allows them to reach a wider audience. Click and Collect and businesses pivoting has helped them survive. Understanding what government grants are available and how to apply for them has been crucial.

KOKORO: What are some challenges and opportunities uniquely faced by Irish businesses?

New markets and continued engagement with their customers Is both a challenge and opportunity. Brexit Is looming and with that a fair amount of stress with changing landscape. Super focus on buying Irish and supporting local so companies need to capitalize this sentiment.

KOKORO: What would you associate as a strength of Irish Entrepreneurs?

Belief In  themselves and their product. All the time and effort to envision their dream and then the confidence to bring It to market. Not an easy task at the best of times but now during the Pandemic definitely very Impressive.

KOKORO: What would you identify as a common weak spot for Irish entrepreneurs? What would your advice be to improve these areas?

How to engage new markets. Networking with DLR County Chamber or others, using friends to promote products. Signing up for Enterprise Ireland Academy. Entering Trade Shows here and abroad. Using Social Media Platforms to promote & engage.

KOKORO: What industries does your experience lead you to believe may face some opportunities going into 2021? Have you noticed any emerging trends that look promising for Irish Businesses.

The DLR County Chamber were champions of the Green/Sustainability economy since 2007 when they ran the EnviroCom Awards which showcased businesses that reduced  paper waste, reduced water consumption etc. Now the EU's new Trade Policy Is around Sustainability, Digital Future and Resilience. These policies will have a big Impact on businesses going forward as we recover slowly from the pandemic. People/customers want to know how and where their purchases  have been made and what Impact they have on global warming. Children are taught cause and effect In school and they will be the new consumers of the future. Vintage clothing Is seeing a revival and cost per garment Is back In focus.

KOKORO: Never has it been more clear that we are all connected. Where/How do you feel most connected to others?

People are social creatures and that has become more apparent during lockdown. We are all missing the Interaction and connection with family, friends and colleagues. Safety In groups has always been hard wired in our DNA and now we are alone In our bubbles. Looking forward to sharing experiences with friends and family over dinner & glass of vino. Travelling to see new cities and experience different cultures is always wonderful with families at the core to everything.

KOKORO: As the CEO of the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Chamber of Commerce throughout 2020 you managed to deliver an incredible supports, advice and communication throughout this pandemic. Which such a responsibility and pace of events, how do you find time for you to relax?

Thanks for vote of confidence.  Reading and trying out new recipes help me relax.  Connecting with members through zoom. Walking Is another pastime and the weather has been mild so no excuses!

KOKORO: What does Zen mean to you?

Calm and comfortable.

KOKORO: Any words of wisdom to our readers on how to approach 2021? 

This too shall pass! Don't be afraid to ask for help.


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