Meet Shay Cahill: Venture Business Network


We were thrilled to get to sit down with Shay Cahill, owner of the Venture Business Network to discuss all things networking, sustainability & the importance of team appreciation.

Shay Cahill is acknowledged as a leading expert in the art and science of professional business networking. Venture is the place where he has crafted, developed and refined the best way in which to accelerate the growth of mutually beneficial professional relationships: accelerating opportunities to build trust, connections and better business results. For over twenty-five years Shay has been involved in many sectors within the corporate world, including finance, IT, telecoms and customer services.

KOKORO: As someone who has built a business around networking & making connections, what is one thing that you believe connects us all?

I believe it’s our desire as business owners to deliver the best value we can to our clients and customers. No matter how successful a business is, recognising the value of others’ skillsets, knowledge and advice outside of our core expertise, and leveraging that know-how to augment our offering will ultimately make us stronger and put us in a good position to achieve our overarching goals. 

KOKORO: With your experience in a variety of sectors from Finance to IT, Telecoms and Customer Service, what do you think employees need to feel appreciated?

I think it’s all about recognition. And when I say that, I mean every day recognition – not waiting for a specific date in the diary for an Annual BBQ or corporate event. Popping around to an employee’s desk at the end of a day to thank them for a job well-done will mean so much more to that employee than being included in mass “thank you” at the end of the year.

KOKORO: What attracted you to the idea of sustainable corporate gifts?

Sustainability is on everyone’s minds these days. You don’t have to be a business owner to recognise that we all need to do our bit for the environment. When I work with Kokoro Zenwear, it’s not only for their eco-friendly products – it’s their entire approach to doing business from sustainable production techniques to organic packaging and their overall sustainability strategy. So many businesses promote eco-friendly products as a box-ticking exercise, but with Kokoro Zenwear they actually deliver the change they believe in. 

KOKORO: Why is it important to you to encourage and embrace sustainability?

As I mentioned above, it’s up to all of us to work together to help limit the negative impact on the environment. As a parent myself, I want to work towards a better world for my children and indeed for their children. Partnering with businesses who have sustainability at the forefront of their business model is one way that I can do my bit.

KOKORO: What do you think the barriers are to stop businesses from being more sustainable?

I think it depends on the individual business. For some, making a move to a more sustainable way of doing business is easier than for others. However, working with businesses such as Kokoro Zenwear can help businesses of all sizes meet their CSR obligations.

Learn more about the Venture Business Network here & start growing your connections today.


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